
CompositeModel.add_interlaminar_normal_stresses(stresses, strains, composite_definition_label=None)#

Add interlaminar normal stresses to the stresses fields container.

Interlaminar normal stresses (s3) are not available for layered shells. This function performs a post-processing step which computes s3 and adds it to the stress field. s3 is automatically computed if a formulation of a failure criterion depends on this stress component, for instance Puck 3D .

For a usage example, see Interlaminar normal stresses.

  • stresses (FieldsContainer) – Stresses fields container to add interlaminar normal stresses to.

  • strains (FieldsContainer)

  • composite_definition_label (Optional[str], default: None) – Label of the composite definition, which is the dictionary key in the ContinuousFiberCompositesFiles.composite attribute. This parameter is only required for assemblies. See the note about assemblies in the description for the CompositeModel class. Interlaminar normal stresses are only added to the layered elements defined in the specified composite definition.

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